Wherever I go, I look to question everything.
The way we question, the way we accept reality...
The vague action of let the questions live on you and grow.
I try not to run fast into an answer. Life always answers with another question.
This uncertainty, unknown, attracts me to look at the world and create in different ways or mediums.
I choose photography as my daily tool and as my guide into explore this world full of questions.
Where do I fit in this environment?
Who am I in this place?
Project Themes:
IDENTIDAD (El yo artista)
TRANSFORMACION (EL objeto, la fotografia)
From inside out and outside in.
Where am I today?.
Space and time converges on me.
Feels like Time
Hasn't really passed.
This memories
are still alive.
In the pictures or in Me.
"Place is space infused with meaning"
Past, present,
It all seems an illusion.